About Me

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Uraia Trust was established in 2011 as a successor of Kenya’s National Civic Education Programme phase I and II (NCEP I & II). Its focus is to contribute to the progress of Kenya through the development of its most important resource - ‘Kenyan citizens’- ‘raia’ in Kiswahili. Its approach is to promote citizenship from a rights and responsibility aspect. NCEP I was implemented between August 2000 and September 2002 through a partnership of a group of development partners and civil society organisations in Kenya. The Programme aimed at consolidating a mature political culture in which citizens are more aware of, and fully exercise their rights and responsibilities, as well as participate effectively in broadening democracy. NCEP I was implemented by 70 indigenous Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). The programme was instrumental in the change of regime in Kenya following the 2002

Friday, 6 May 2011

Uraia Strategy

Uraia has been implimenting Civic eduation since 2002. However, its time to take the discussion a notch higher, its time for engagement i.e. the people have been educated, so what? they need to act/use the education for their benefits.
This is the New Uraia, More coming